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“I am not afraid that the cycle will turn on me. I am completely ready for all the things that I have given to others to come back to me.”@yi69i#𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐑𝐀#𝐊𝐈𝐀𝐍
Subscribers: 25,255
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Subscribers: 15,118
Unique characters with attributes and gem slots. Health, attack, defense, speed, strength, and luck levels make each NFT distinctive. And all of these will come in handy in the upcoming Play2Earn game in the 0XZQ ecosystem!@NFT_0XZQ
Subscribers: 15,068
Someone else may come, but no one will come like me, if you are a period in someone's life. I am the most true, beautiful and wonderful period and the period that you do not forget. “One else may come, but no one will come like me,@d_6_u
Subscribers: 8,825
Someone else may come, but no one will come like me, if you are a period in someone's life. I am the most true, beautiful and wonderful period and the period that you do not forget. “One else may come, but no one will come like me,
Subscribers: 6,839
He lived life as hell from the beginning to the end, a life that did not suit him, O Lord: Whoever has tasted nothing but torment here on the Day of Judgment, what will you hold him accountable for?
Subscribers: 5,445
لــِ سيــد | ١٤٢٣ هــ
- 𝙄‘𝙈 𝘽𝘼𝘿 𝘿𝙊𝙉𝙏 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀 𝘾𝙇𝙊𝙎𝙀༒ ٫___________________________________________ ____𝙱𝚈 ➤ : “He who truly #wants you will not lose you, will not forget you, and will not hurt you.”Me :@ZZZFY،
Subscribers: 3,622
The sad thing about every two people who separate is that@XPPPFone could easily bring the other back. With a single word, he could soften his heart…and make everything that is withered inside him bloom again, but he will not do it ..
Subscribers: 1,306
CBC-UK Girls & Boys 🇬🇧
“Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.”Proverbs 22:6
Subscribers: 1,043
❀_مجـرتي الـصغيرة🦢💞•لا شيء من الأمس سيعودNothing from yesterday will come back💞❀_تـم انشـاء ۿذهِ المجـره🦢💞¦2020/7/15البُوت ||@jumanz_bot
Subscribers: 430
Ths day will come whe Ido not see you despit you #presenc in front me he wil@l1llollcome my dear
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MC4EI - Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity
Our Mission is to develop an organization that will work to promote fair, honest and open elections for all Citizens of Michigan. Come join us with this mission!
Subscribers: 208
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⌱ 💀 𝔄 Ferrari Portofino drives through paris City highway, with an aristocrat and his immortal money. ℑf you bother him, he will throw you into a jail with all his wealth.ℭontact:@imissyoubbot𝔄rchive: @.
Subscribers: 182
قلباً على اللهِ إتّكل۪
♥️🍁 وأمسى العشق حبلاً ممدوداً الـى السماء✨"إلهي مَن لي غَيرُك" 💔 ؟” تحدث إلى اللّه فهو يُنصت إليك حتى أثناء صمتك.“ 💙 ..- Talk to God he will listen to you even during yoursilence.💙بوت التواصل@Fotsom0_bot
Subscribers: 178
𝗟 𝗦𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗗 〄Passion died, so let us divide his inheritanceBetween you and me, tears are witnessesTake all your memories from meAnd I will take my disappointment and come back
Subscribers: 143™️
Experienced traders to that will work here to serve you guys best of best opportunity to win the marketFor any support or any inquiry send a massage to our manager he will reply you fastly@HassanMustafa2👍
Subscribers: 129
Just as God brought you by chance, He will bring someone else.Storms@nllBBot-My imagination is boring and not boring, miserable and not miserable, mysterious and not mysteriou
Subscribers: 120