Someone else may come, but no one will come like me, if you are a period in someone's life. I am the most true, beautiful and wonderful period and the period that you do not forget. “One else may come, but no one will come like me,
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War boy
"I like fighting not victoryThe winners are happy for one day but the fighters are happy for life@Sydran"
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Someone else may come, but no one will come like me, if you are a period in someone's life. I am the most true, beautiful and wonderful period and the period that you do not forget. “One else may come, but no one will come like me,@d_6_u
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My disappointment tonight is as someone who came home with happiness, but no one was waiting for him@FLiid
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تود️ - افتارات سينمائية
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افتارات عيون افتار عيون تمبلر صور عيون
اضغط انضِمام متخسَرر شيي .ƚَᥱᥣِᥱ :@zYYYe.Sªetَِ :@bccdbot.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .قناةه خاصَهه بنشِرر افتاࢪات عيوُن شباب بناتَ ، .We have stripped our hearts, and no one will defeat us after that 𔘓 . .
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"In my hard and off days, I will never forget the one who chose me in all my darkness and did not abandon me@R2iNe»
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