Black Rose♡

First, second, and last, do not expect from me what I do not find in you♤

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Someone else may come, but no one will come like me, if you are a period in someone's life. I am the most true, beautiful and wonderful period and the period that you do not forget. “One else may come, but no one will come like me,@d_6_u

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Someone else may come, but no one will come like me, if you are a period in someone's life. I am the most true, beautiful and wonderful period and the period that you do not forget. “One else may come, but no one will come like me,

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تود️ - افتارات سينمائية

_ I do not like competition, nor do I like things that require me to prove my worth, although I can win them if I want, but the idea of ​​proving my worth to others is not one of my priorities.DM for business inquiries 📩By Shane :@se14bot

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Master Vaibhav Hire

Hello Everyone,My Name Is Vaibhav & You Also Know Me As Master Vaibhav Hire😍 From Last 1 Year I Am Doing A Professional Teaching Work On YouTube🤩In This Group I Provides You Class 8th To Class 12th All Subjects Material🏆🏆So Thanks For The Join♨️

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. dy FriEnds

If you want to achieve what I did just learn from me The first always not accepted, b ratheraloss Ava:@HM_ZQ

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. Quotes | اقتِباسات

Even under the description of the giant I do not include .me:@dd_m_k

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Beam's Vouches

Vouches for myself and my services are forwarded here. Contact me for MM@beam🤝Official@escrowThis channel is not a representation of how many deals I do.

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𓆰Sezar Al'soud .༒

‘I do not take back anything.🇮🇶|.Me :@vcvvc

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beautiful-Stickers Love Hot 18+ ملصقات

I am the Around, I have a lot of money, I will never be defeated, and women do not matter to me, I am the owner

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چیزای درسی

The first rule of چیزای درسی is: you do not talk about چیزای درسی. The second rule of چیزای درسی is: you DO NOT talk about چیزای درسی! Third rule of چیزای درسی: if someone yells “بسه دیگه!”goes limp, or taps out, the study is over.👤@erfan_mehraban

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˖𖤝 peccaminoso ─‌─‌─‌ i am@I945s! ready to help you find a solution in buying goods at low prices when your wallet is running low, please read the regulations and master police first so you don't get lost.assist :@csuicideand@caramiyaonly.

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Jigga What; Collision Course.

The sign I use for diving : #MINT / #SG if you see or get that mark on your board then it's me, I use that mark to fill anonymous board, first impression and other boards except secret-message (web or not web)

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. Lied

Even if he comes to me fleeing from the harrm of this world I would have become his world and what is in it@ssctrr

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When you feel sad remember that you have me okay? I may not be much but I will always be by your side no matter what.@ylylebot

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@D1DD23/5𝖯𝗂𝗌𝖼𝖾𝗌Hello💀I am from Iraq from Maysan💀I do not care what people say about me because I am different from them. .💀

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Under construction! 🛠🪚🏗

ㅤ “I don't like to do what people expect.Why should I live up to other people’sexpectations instead of my own?”ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤExpressing my opinion isㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ not a terrorist action.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ❨ ...᭧... ❩ㅤ ㅤContact:@Soeireeor@SoeireeBot

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𝘼َ𝙑ََِ𝗧𝘼َ𝙧 𝙃َ𝙤َ𝗧 +18

All the pictures that you will not find anywhere are my channel only and do not concern anyone and I do not care aboutyour opinion about them.Ow -@S22S4

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I miss you

And at four in the morning and I m waiting message from someone who no longer cares about the matter and does not want to talk to me

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wcfs Stock ♥️.

owner :@wcfsShopco/ownr :@l6oily- I do not guarantee any broker🤯✔.- No Forwarding from other groups- No Chatting / Spamming- No Advertising channels

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Vouches for myself and my services are forwarded here. Contact me for MM@sarcastier🤝This channel is not a representation of how many deals I do.

Subscribers: 90