∝ • DᎥFᥱRᥱNƚ
- Me and you and everyone are also equal and we are all created from dust, no need to cause problems enter and enjoy the rest ofyour time@QQXXOOI
Members: 35
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∝ كࢪۅٛب عاެم مݪك اެݪجميع اެݪكݪ يكدࢪ ياެخذ ࢪاެحته بي ماެعده اެݪحيۅٛاެن 👳🏻♂️🇮🇶.∝ • DᎥFᥱRᥱNƚ ⚜️ مختݪفين ❥ 𖠷المالك@x_c08
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-The group was created to promote my YouTube channel and my make-up business💕-you can DM if you are looking for a quality make-up artist- I can also help you advertise your products and business too👌🏼-do not spam my group or post linksThank you!
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