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Furry Writers Guild 18+ Chat
Furry Writers' Guild 18+ Chat. The same rules apply as the main chat, with amendments in pinned message.
Members: 34
Tech Network
To ask good questions, REMEMBER:1. Explain what you are trying to do, not just what you did. This lets your helper know if you are on the wrong track.2. Specify the point at which the error happens. Does it occur at the very start of the program or not
Members: 1
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Bu guruh hozirda eng ommalashgan zamonaviy va talab yuqori bo'lgan top darajadagi kasblar xaqida va ularni o'rganishdagi boshlang'ich ko'nikmalar joylanib boriladi😊Oʻz kasbingizni biz bilan tanlang🤝
Members: 5