Pakistan Business Forum
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🇸🇦 Business Administration " جامعه الملك خالد " 🇸🇦
تم إنشاء المجموعة لطلبة ادارة الاعمال لجامعة الملك خالد بمنطقة عسير ويهتم في نشر النقاشات وطرح الأستفسارات لتخصص ادارة الاعمال #جامعه_الملك_خالدالرجاء عدم الاعلان عن قروبات او حلول واجبات او اختبارات .الالتزام بالاحترام وعدم السب او القذف .
Members: 4,552
🇺🇿Obmen bo'yicha Eng Ishonchli Savdo Guruh!etiborli bo'ling - aldanib qolmang!Guruhda reklama tarqatmang, qo'pol muomala qilmang!
Members: 3,088
Current and Pakistan 🇵🇰 Affairs
All members can discuss any question related to Current Affairs and Pakistan Affairs.Note: This group is only for CSS and other competitive examination candidates intermediate level candidates are not allowed.
Members: 1,889
Disclaimer!Every member of the group should know that they are transacting at their own risk. No memeber of the admin would be taken responsible for any transaction goes wrong.
Members: 1,817
ABPMX - Alliance for Business and Project Management Excellence
A dedicated platform for new and professional project managers supporting one another with tools and knowledge sharing as well as opportunities
Members: 1,798
Legacy Builders Automated Income Business
The Legacy Builder Program is a program that teaches people how to build an automated business and generate passive income
Members: 796
Ethiopia Online Business [[WAGO AND X-HERMES]]
የተለያዩ ወቅታዊና ተአማኒነት ያላቸውን የቢዝነስ ስራዎች ለማግኘት የተከፈተ የመወያያ መድረክ ነው።ስለመጡ እናመስግናለን !ትክክለኛ መረጃ ያግኙ ይጠቀሙ ።
Members: 754
NTU students forum
This group is run by Ehtasham, 3rd year BSc (CZ) and there are no teachers here (Refer at your own risk). Ask your other friends to join. Check old msgs
Members: 753
CTG99 Malaysia Top Casino [Forum]
👑 CTG99 👑🎁Welcome Bonus 50%🎁365 ANGPAO🎁Share Bonus 1-10🎁Slot Bonus 5%-10% Tanpa TurnoverContact :💬 Website live chat🌐 Website
Members: 732
Business Central Español
Grupo para compartir, debatir y tratar temas relacionados con Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central en español. Canal:
Members: 485
ኢቲኬር ብድር እና ቁጠባ etcare saving and credit (Digital new marketing business) 0960304972
ለውጥ አንተን ትመስላለች። ከተኛክ ትተኛለች ከለፍክ ከሠራክ ለሥራ ክፍት ከሆነ አይምሮክ ለውጥ በቀላሉ ይመጣል።ታገል ወንድሜ ታገይ እህቴ።ይደውሉ 0960304972
Members: 392