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Collection of random quotes
Quotes can help you get by the day. Lift your spirit. So this is small attempt
Members: 12
✨🎧top songs♡
ПРАВИЛA:• не ссориться• не спамить• не пиарить свои тгкнарушение - банПо всем вопросами–@SUMKA_126
Members: 2
Collection of legends 🖤🖇
Trust the arrival as long as you strive.🌻🤍- اݪࢪسسمـي 🇮🇶؏ـائلة 𖠱 مكالمات جماعيه 𖠱 تࢪحب بڪم🇮🇶 "-أهم شي الاحترام بدون {طائفية- سياسة - مشاكل.🇮🇶 "- مـاڪو شـيء يوصـفنةه 🇮🇶!- ࢪبـع ؏ ڪد حالنةه 🇮🇶 "- الـمـنـشئ:@Adboolk"
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The Archives Of Grace 🎧
The Archives Of Grace is a platform where the teachings of God's word are archived and made available for everyone to access in their time of need. The aim is to spread the good news of the kingdom of God and equip those who are called of God.
Members: 225
GURUHGA HUSH KELIBSIZ🖐✅ ISMINGGIZGA RINGTON TOPIB BERAMIZ📲💔🔵ISIMLARGA FOTO YASAYMIZ✔️🗞Reklama tashagan🚀🤬Sokingan🚀MUROJAT UCHUN↙️↙️🎧🔻BOSH ADMIN🔻🎧@DOSTONBEK.93🌿😌🍒❍➣50 Ta qoʻwgan Admin(ka)🖇Guruh ochilgan sana 29 09 2021
Members: 11