
мой архивI'm unable to perceive the world as it truly is. it's too bright for me

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it's me, ji the crazy in the world , if someone plagiarizes me please tell me to@fqYooJiminand tell me their username too .with love , ji .

Subscribers: 9

Am I at Your Disposal?


I know soon enough we'll come apart at the seams // But just one empty kiss, and it's not as bad as it seems // We breathe for different reasons, both as petty, I'd reckon ... / ... you for your "Well done's", and me for, "You're welcome".

Subscribers: 1

A shudder on the ocean of tea in the cup


Seraph. Thy memory is to me like some enchanted far-off isle in some tumultuous sea some ocean vexed as it may be with storms; But where, meanwhile, serenest skies continually just o'er that one bright island smile.

Subscribers: 1