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Management 4th year sections B students (GC)
if any one to goin to this channale,his /here idea must be technically feasible, economically viable, politically suitable, socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable.ሰው ሁን ከሰውም ሰው።
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አላህ ሆይ! የእዝነት ዝናብ አድርገው፣የቅጣት፣ የመከራ ዝናብ አታድርገ፣በኮረብታዎች፣ በዛፎች ሥር አታድርገው፣አላህ ሆይ! ዳርዳሩን አዝንበው፣በኛ ላይ አታዝንብብን።
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