نيكتوفيليا |Nyctophilia
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Nyctophilia / paranoia
❇❇Do friend's stay with out falling in love▶Are u in relationship that u don't even know it's name▶dark depression▶silent 🔗🔗 louder voice▶Suicidal thought's▶ Lonely▶crush 🔗🔗 Ex▶unknown story▶ dump▶cry inside🥺🥺▶fake ..
Subscribers: 45
لا تتوقف حتى ولو كانَ تقدمكَ بطيئاً، فـ تقدمٌ بطيء أفضلُ من عدمِ التقدم على الإطلاق✊🏽
Subscribers: 5
Dear@Telegram&@Durov, we kindly request that you refrain from banning this channel. It remains active and is free from any negative content. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Subscribers: 2