`.•✧ safe place {♡}
¿ Love [luv] — a deep, tender, strong feeling of affection toward a person: an intense emotional attachment.
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til moment shall abade, your vows are all buried deep inside my grave. i may not growing up be like thoth, holding onto wisdom, in minus thorn nor a mere anomaly. but this is me standing, utter my chant in the land of living with flaxen halcyon.
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*Romance or romantic love is a feeling of love , or a strong attraction towards another person,And the courtship behaviors undertaken by anIndividual to express those overall feelings and resultant emotions. -@pr11tyy𖢺. ׄ '
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𖣂˖ִ *Romance or romantic love is a feeling of love , or a strong attraction towards another person and the courtship behaviors undertaken by an individual to express those overall feelings and resultant emotions. -@gengsti𖢺. ׄ '
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Uniqueness Lassie.
𖣂˖ִ *Romance or romantic love is a feeling of love,or a strong attraction towards another person,And the courtship behaviors undertaken by anIndividual to express those overall feelings and resultant emotions. -@Caeesy𖢺. ׄ '
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