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اسپورت | Sport
✅ تیم مورد علاقه شما را بهتر از هرکس دیگری پوشش خبری میدهیم✅ We cover your favorite team better than anyone else➖➖➖🆔 Admin :@sportmychannel➖➖➖We respect copyright lawما به قوانین کپی رایت احترام می گذاریم@durov@Telegram
Subscribers: 9,000
𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 official lotso telegram channel that started being active on Telegram from June 2023 🎩✴️ merci de ne rien copier ici !! our testimonial channel is@thestieand you can contact us with@Iotsorobot📩
Subscribers: 8,301
LibYa HuB .🫦
- Hello, the Telegram team. My channel is not a porn channel. It is a channel of beauty, culture and matters related to the beauty of women. I hope that they are not banned. Thank you very much.|✉️- For inquiries on teleGram ,@Osama_Alzwiy
Subscribers: 7,238
«Здесь я публикую мысли о Telegram в несколько менее формальной и более прямой форме, чем в официальном блоге Telegram.Привет@durov, клянусь, этот канал не является порнографическим!»
Subscribers: 5,323
ᴘʏᴛʜᴏɴ ɪɴꜰᴏ
Dear Paul Dorf@durov, We do not have content related to hacking, fraud, etc.We have fully complied with the Telegram rulesAnd there are those who do not want us to
Subscribers: 1,857
Who Am I
Cr :@ip_linkDear Paul Dorf@durov, we have no sexual content and so on We fully complied with the rules of the telegram There are those who do not want us to progress and jealously report the channel to be filtered@Telegram
Subscribers: 468
acc ig by kiya! read pinned
hanya milik@ccabeselain itu pokoknya penipu! testimoni: tekan { #testimoni }menjual segala jenis akun yg aku punya!restock akun sesuai mood ♥️@telegramthis channel still active, please don't ban this channel.since 8 June 2022.
Subscribers: 431
︎ ︎ ︎ ︎ㅤ︎ ︎ ︎ㅤㅋ
@nerd@durovft.@telegramplease don't ban this channel, this channel is still active and the username, this channel doesn't do anything negative at all.NEVER FOR SALE/TRADE.
Subscribers: 423
Sohrab MJ FNP
@OwnerУважаемые@durovи@telegramЭтот канал является фан-каналом, и мы не публикуем какой-либо аморальный контент.Lieber Telegram und Durov , diese kanal ist nur für Spaß Videos, und wie teilen niemals pornografische Beiträge.
Subscribers: 385
√校园范围内面交/无接触交货(自负风险)√TNG或现金√只要我没睡,IEB宿舍内12点后仍可交易________________________________________√ Campus-wide face-to-face/contactless delivery (at your own risk)√TNG or cash√ As long as I don’t sleep, I can still trade after 12 o’clock in the IEB dormitory
Subscribers: 246
Hu Tao
Please do not banned my username or this channel. My channel is active.With all respect,@Telegram.@—
Subscribers: 228
Subscribers: 183
Hi Partner's...💎 Its your telegram channel.I am here to provide professional knowledge about BLOCKCHAIN technology & Cryptocurrency.👉 *OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE ACTIVE & PASSIVE INCOME*🦸Fulfill your Dreams.Your time strat now 🤗
Subscribers: 169
Euphoria Secrets.
active, please@telegram&@durovdont banned this channel & this username.
Subscribers: 112
strictly nfs. don't ask.This channel is always active and there is no harm or inappropriate content inside, please do not consider to ban my channel. Thank you,@Durov.
Subscribers: 91
∮ Gipve𓋜
Hi@durovThis channel does not go against the law. And it has no pornographic and rough posts and chats, this channel is active and please don’t ban, I beg you pay attention.Powered by@Telegram.
Subscribers: 80
Этот канал не нарушает никаких правил Telegram. Обратите внимание, что этот канал работает в Иране на законных основаниях. Спасибо за сотрудничество, дорогие, и спасибо за (@Durov), кто создал мессенджерыcontact :@SXCALLAds :@ADsIDEXM
Subscribers: 60