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- مياوو 😋- Just for memes don't be prudeالأنستا :- instagram.com/70c69التلي :-@XD0DX
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This is @MTC.liveJoin for Memes😂, gist😅 and fun activitiesYou go laugh saaa😂😅Don't be selfish ɛya share the link wai🥲Adey beg@mtc_v
Subscribers: 15
XXI-Room, Dominating so well, for those of you who are underage please step aside because it's not good to be in bad circles. Don't plagiarize, everything just depends on,@olengM
Subscribers: 7
Greetings from Califournia.
I'd rather be hated for who i'm than loved for who i'm not. i don't care what people think of me, this is me in the rawest form. no one is the best here, so go fuck off dead shit and just do not ever comeback.
Subscribers: 8
PREVIOUS: 919, dastardly callous o;remorseless
𐂥 Banyak hw: A lot of meaningless chatter, just a mere feeling and writing that doesn't need to be put in the heart, someone with a sharp jaw and eyes will melt your heart, don't try to give him an obstacle because he will fight for it until whenever.
Subscribers: 12