RIP@RSinhere@PrettyDevils2@PYTonlyThis a sample page nothing more
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🍁जब दुनिया तुम्हे कमजोर समझे,तो तुम्हारा जीतना बहुत जरूरी हो जाता है...📚🔺Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.💯✔️
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KaLx Entertainment3D & beats
Channel of ENT and chilling beats produced to let you have fun and chill get your earphones ready and listen to chill and see 3d's to get amazed by creativities you wanna know more contact me@kalxx1Creativity is nothing but a set of mind
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(53+) WindJammer —911
𝐗𝐈. / ' 𖤝. Nothing additional has to be done, or when we first started dying, the tree leaves absorbed sunlight scattered shadows on the page the sole indication that the world is changing love is a sign of time, and life is a sign of love.
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Man voluntarily turns towards the past, but the future represents for him nothing more than a gap in the wall of time that he avoids looking at.- Me :@BBiBL1.
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(53+) WindJammer —911
nothing additional has to be done, or when we first started dying, the tree leaves absorbed sunlight scattered shadows on the page the sole indication that the world is changing love is a sign of time, and life is a sign of love.
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