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Opuses: palatian mankind.
DNI: -13, roleplay [] or unpeaceful account, lgbtphobic, rude people, two faces, raccisms, or religionphobic.
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Loquacious of Mankind.
Out of the night that covers me, Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be For my unconquerable soul.
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وأبَليتَني بعِشقكَ ثُمَ بعثرتَنيوأهلَكتَ ما بَيننا فكَسرتَنيوأشعَلتَ النارَ بِقَلبي فَحرَقتنيوكنتُ أراك مختلفًا لِماذاَ هَجرتَني ؟
Subscribers: 1