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±± 热情 ━━━━ A racer, an asphalt warrior, maintenance life on the edge of excitement
ㅤ ⍎@usrpnhnㅤㅤㅤ • ──┼ The son of a racer who has the ambition to achieve many victories on the asphalt. The passion is built for speed and the thrill of challenge. He drives his vigorous determination to the streets and motorbikes.
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±± 热情 ━━━━ A racer, an asphalt warrior, maintenance life on the edge of excitement
⍎@JJPilgㅤㅤㅤ • ──┼ The son of a racer who has the ambition to achieve many victories on the asphalt. The passion is built for speed and the thrill of challenge. He drives his vigorous determination to the streets and motorbikes.
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