Medical Laboratory World 🔬
This group's aim is to give knowledge about MLS so i request you don't share anything besides the title of the group.
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Medical🔬 Laboratory🧫🦠🧪🧬
النهاية السعيدة تستحق الانتظار حتى لو أخذت وقتاً طويلاً.A happy ending deserves the wait even if it takes you so long to wait💠قناه مختصه بشرح الاختبارات المرضية💠شرح بعض الامراض🌡️💠نشر معلومات طبية وصحيه عامة 💊💉💠كل المواضيع الطبية2021/12/15
Subscribers: 72
Imagine world
See what ever you see, see what we were share with you. The movie's, Anime & Series - we learn so many things.
Subscribers: 2
Here you can get anything you tell us.if you don't want to check or don't have time but you want best product so we will give best product's after knowing that the product is worth for you and your money.we gathere information and check for multiple times
Subscribers: 1