Murdabad meaning relations

Murdabad meaning relations

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Toutes les news des RIs de ton école, en live. Pose aussi tes questions, on y répondra directement !

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Black is home carries meaning: the courage to conceal wounds the strength to remain standing without needing to be conspicuous.

dilarang menjiplak apapun dari channel ini. gua buat sendiri, mikir pake otak bray@dwksa

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• عِبارات قصِيرة مُترجمة 📜🤎.

.. Life without dreaming is a life without meaning .... 🌸 حياة بدون حلم هي حياة بدون معنى 🌸 ..• - نخــبهۂ قنـواتـي :«@NIIIIIIID»• - تـواصلـ :«@Z9x7p6_BoT»

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Hayot mazmunin izlab🌝✨

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Toxic relations .

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the spirit 💔

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‌Turnip King🌛

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ImageWord Ministries

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old—femn—alive, xoxo. ♡

the four designers occupy @ . to channel relations, and report all designs to the owner of@meeleleh('only her that handled this place. 𐀶)

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Feelings for you ❤️

No meaning 🔥

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Molchat doma slowed reverb

Contemplating the endless inner void I search for meaning in the enduring emptiness within.

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untold memories: “hold my hands”.

cause you are the reason that i felt “hapiness” in my life. one seconds, was meaning a lot to me. 'light my candle up and bring me a light. does it feel same with you?ㅤㅤㅤ— wondrous monoscript.ㅤㅤㅤ ( 2000 / august 1 )

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Я всегда рядом

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୨Beautiful impressions in every extreme and exciting experience: The Nebula Bookৎ

rain nebula. Like my name, I wrote and drew with the meaning of 'Rain' and not unfamiliar. Since that day I haven't bothered with any rain.

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a lyrics, tight : theya 单元.

ㅤ「 o. poemys, 」☾ Ii ..𖣂.. often hidden in silence unites herself with the heat of a seductive smile, a woman's beautiful appearance has its own meaning that can split hearts ;storey)ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ:@yodon

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