live, love and laugh ๐Ÿ‡

fullest of random thingy, jadi isinya suka suka acey HHEHEHEIEHUEHU ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿป

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VIIโ€”est โ€œMASCULINSTโ€ ๊–ก .. heartche at dusk and laugh to fallin in love ( ๅญฆๆœŸ ) thโ€™ sculputural of realise o.

(GNAWED INK OF MIND) "If I happen to bleed, you'll be the last to know since no one shew me."Barn full of not so necessary thoughts, latching one and another into a sheet of paper. He found puny body amongst famine, alone and be caromed.

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