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@lIIlUIIIregret a lot of words and things that failed me from desires and wishes and dreams were once my biggest bet a lot of hopes calls die silently on my lips without mentioning them and here I am today not raising the ceiling of my hopes with anyth
Subscribers: 52
حـزنـن ◝¹♯̶ِ﮼ممـاارببـي
#حنآ_آلبدوُ .. . مٰ نَحَــبّ الغَــدرٰ ولـٰآ هُــوٰ طَبعَنــٰـآ .، ضّربنَآ فِ الوُجہٰ .. مٰ هُوٰ فِ #القَفٌىء
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