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النهاية - THE END
ঌ #Tumblr Pictures #Tumblr Quotes ༯أهلاً بڪم بقناة / النهاية - THE ENDالقناة الرسمية عل تليڪࢪام
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Lots of people wait around "for the right time". People don't know that there is no such thing as a right time. Time is never right nor wrong. The positive factor of time is that you can seize it.
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END LESS LOVE - ُحُب لاَ نهاية له
حٍآيَرٍ من تجٍيَ بيَآ ۆرٍدِ آلُآگيَگۆيَآ عٍيَن آلُتگفََيَ ۆبيَہآ أخـلُيَگ ♥️
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The EnD .
+26 ! Tighter than the devil, cursed we are cursed without a curse and Tougher than Christ crucified we are crucified without
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Rav Steno Study
Hello friends👉 Welcome to my YouTube channel 👇👉 "Rav Steno Study "📖💕👉 Subscribe for 💕🎯Steno status 💕📝📇 सिंह प्रणाली📝📇👉👉Wait for 👈👈##Available all Hindi Shorthand Study material ##🎯Dictation,hard words, outline etc.🎯
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