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❃ Handsome's andy.
this channel is belongs to@lisngkup. feel free to text him if you need to ask something.
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Resolution of the whole sullenness, the cosmopolitan’s facts buried in gravestone. SOON REVEALED! 🚮
If you want to need something, you can use my private bot@hlerobot. i'll reply if im not busy.
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Killing You Slowly.
do not chase what tries to get away from you. if something is destined for you, it will be faithful to welcome you, not run from you. what you need, will always need you.
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and today i chose to stay.
because you need to stay more, you need to stay loudly, you need to stay today, tomorrow, and so on. if there is something is bothering you, please remember that there are a million things waiting for you. so today, you need to stay. :3
Subscribers: 4