𓏺 𝖬i Scary


What if I told you that talking to you  , thing was like embracing a thousand clouds or hoping for a sky full of stars@Xz_fp

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One day you will remember that we have accomplished a great thing in the art of indifferenc@rir_h

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.َ ‹EѵIŊ .َ ‹


- ‏ " في سماءٍ مليئةٍ بالنجوم رأيتكِ "“ In a sky full of stars I think I saw you ”

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𝗘𝘃𝗮𖡡 𓏺 ⚕️ ⋆


𓏺 I want to talk to #you for a long time until we get bored of talking . ✈

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Old vibes never said that you're ugly with them if you wear a outfit like a old vibes!


“Caramel blonde hair, charming little brown eyes, kissable rosy lips, delicate hands and a pink soul. The prettiest soul i've ever seen.”t.me/Porcket you are an angel with glitter on your wings who deserves all the stars in the night sky.

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