This channel respects Telegram's rules and is only for introducing actors. We will not post any immoral content that violates Telegram's rules. Please pay attention.All models and actors are adults.ΨͺΨ¨ΩΫΨΊΨ§Ψͺ π@OfCads
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This channel respects Telegram's rules and is only for introducing actors. We will not post any immoral content that violates Telegram's rules. Please pay attention.All models and actors are adults.
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Hi@durovThis channel respects all the rules of Telegram and does not break the rules in any way
Subscribers: 88
Rep πΎ
Hello@DurovThis channel does not have any immoral media and is subject to Telegram rules. Please be careful and do not be deceivedThankful@TelegramMy Family@ChannelFlaka
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Who wants to be a star
Welcome to this groupCreated to promote upcoming actors, actresses, artists, models and so on.Let's make ur dreamsππ―
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Like Drug's
Dear Pavel Durov@durov, this channel has no sexual content and spam and adheres to all the rules, but some people report this channel because of jealousy and to prevent our progress, if this channel respects the rules.owner β’@icmany
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We were active in Telegram and we always fully accept the rules of Telegram and respect them very much, this channel does not do any activity that violates the rules of Telegram. Thanks to the creator of Telegram and his colleagues. Creator@DurovThe Ch
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