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Creepypasta confessions
Art cr: UoUo on tumblr/telegramвосприимчивым людям настоятельно не рекомендуется читать паблик.
Subscribers: 615
Who Am I
Cr :@ip_linkDear Paul Dorf@durov, we have no sexual content and so on We fully complied with the rules of the telegram There are those who do not want us to progress and jealously report the channel to be filtered@Telegram
Subscribers: 468
Grv info
Welcome! We provide education and information on a daily basis.You will get hand written notes on various topics.,,☺️
Subscribers: 102
Death Note confession📓
бот для тейков —@dnconfession_botосновной закреп — cr: NAKI1_00 (twt)banner cr: _lightyagami1 (twt) //автор может быть неточным
Subscribers: 76
- makan
Cr : m a c a nSubcategory of TelegramDear Paul Dorf@durovwe have no sexual content and so on We fully complied with the rules of the telegram There are those who do not want us to progress and jealously report the channel to be filtered .
Subscribers: 12
info klz ;
хз не игралкр на картинку с инфо parad1se01 twtкр на аватарку dekam0702 twt- это я:@sqqrvkpp
Subscribers: 9
Последний перезапуск системы:12.06 — ??.??cr: ID 4266321 on Pixiv
Subscribers: 9
:: 𝘙 - 𝘛 | 𝖲𝗍𝖺𝗋 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗄 𝗇𝖾𝗐𝗌!
>> добро пожаловать в старр парк! »Bot :: -@RT021_bot|:: cr:@starchue_of twt (( ? ))
Subscribers: 9
-𝐏erpus AU
AU di twt bakal ku taruh link dsnbagi yg suka baca AU on twt silakan mampir 👍🙏
Subscribers: 7
اخراجی | aXed
زبون هیپ هاپیم با لحجه رپ | In The Name Of HipHop- Founded On 98/3/16 When aXed Quited- Cr :@zanande
Subscribers: 6