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We are a Generation of God seekers and a House of Love. Revealing the love of Christ and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit to the world.
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Christ Life Spring Centre
We are aimed at teaching the reality of the blood, the cross, the death, burial, resurrection, the present ministry, the High Priestly ministry, the life of Christ and the Kingdom of God until we grow and come into the fullness of Christ....
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Primary Edu Insights
All praise is due to the great Creator alone. Alhamdulillah.
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felo .
I love isolation, I love living alone, I love being mixed with a world that doesn't suit me .@a1_1l
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Candys 🎄
More sorrowful than Christ, we are crucified without prophecy.(@wwwwwoo_bot)
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SMU Christian Fellowship
SMUCF strives to present every student mature in Christ, by faithfully understanding, living and proclaiming the gospel.Subscribe to this channel to get the most updated details on SMU Christian Fellowship’s programs and activities!!
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GHCHq | Audio Messages
•Sun: 8am&10am•Wed: 6pm•Helping individuals discover and accomplish their God given purpose through life transforming experiences with Christ
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SCGC (ሐዋሪያው ታሬ)🇪🇹
Supermacy of Christ Gospel church official channelይህ የክርስቶስ ወንጌል የበላይነት ቤተክርስቲያን ቻናል ነው።አድራሻ፦ ደብረዘይት ኢያሱ ሜዳ፤ በንግድ ባንክ ገባ ብሎየፌስቡክ page ሊንኩን ይጫኑትwww.facebook.com/Supermacyofchristgospelchurch
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—🩸🦇 RHCP (OPEN).
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ0:00 ───•──── 5:23ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ “FUNKY MONKS”┃The darkness ⛥ In a pool of blood leaving them to rot alone with the corpses gnawing at them⚰🩸ㅤㅤㅤ— TESTI:@drarmaticㅤㅤㅤ— ARCHIVE:@mayhelmㅤㅤㅤ— ORDER:@Rhcpbotㅤㅤㅤ— CRITICS:@TelasnoSince April 18 2024
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Коворкинг HQ Тамбов
Виртуальный мир лучшего пространства для работы в Тамбове КоворкингHead Quarters!Почувствуй нашу атмосферу! И приходи!Never work alone!Наш сайт https://hq68.ru/Напиши нам@HQCOWORKINGРаботаем каждый день с 09:00 до 21:00
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The EnD .
+26 ! Tighter than the devil, cursed we are cursed without a curse and Tougher than Christ crucified we are crucified without
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🌈 Seventh-day Adventists SDA Group
Daily posts on Scripture and Life's Value based Inspirational Thoughtful Exposition.People of last generation is to warn the world of His soon Coming. Is the body of Christ doing this urgent work?இப்போது **Devotion Time என்ற தியான நேரம்** தமிழில்...
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Take care of your thoughts When you are alone ، and Take care of your words When you are with people.@u200u
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