
thin bone threads are hidden under a silk tear pillow.@ourqcfbot

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We are a group of trained peer coaches under SMU's Dato' Kho Hui Meng Career Centre (DKHMCC).Consult us on Wed & Fri, 3.30-5.30pm, for🖌 Resume Review💬 Mock Interview👨🏻‍🎓 Job/Internship Advice

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Die Gisken

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lowie's walkie talkie said : I are sent alone, trying to find what I forfeited under the protection of a steady night, where street lights flicker silently in their melancholy vigil. My footsteps are soft as whispers. 愉快.ㅤㅤ

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Adventurous soul with a passion for exploration.

If you are a potential victim; minor, under 18+, homophobic, hate harsh words, hate swearing. Stay away, or a stab will greet you.

Subscribers: 1

Darling, Dearest, and Dead. (11).

ㅤㅤA tear in silk that mirrors the fractures of my soul, abeauty so sharp it cuts like a phantom blade, leaving traces of longing in its wake. I cannot tell where the allure ends and the sorrow begins, for in this still moment, both are entwined.ㅤㅤ

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If you are a potential victim; minor, under 18+, homophobic, hate harsh words, hate swearing. Stay away, or a stab will greet you.

Subscribers: 1