แฏ“๐“†ฉ๐–กก๐“บ.๐“ููŽ-ููŽู…ุณู„ุฎู‡ ุงู„ุนูˆุงู‡ุฑ .๐“บ๐–กก๐“†ช ๐“.


Hello Telegram, this channel does not violate the terms of service and is committed to not violating your terms of service. Please protect it from vandals.Thank you@Telegramand@durov

Subscribers: 37

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โžก๏ธ Shark Tank Official Gateway!โ—๏ธThis channel does not condone or partake in any illegal activities. We are fully compliant with the telegram terms of service.

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This channel is still active and this channel does not violate any rules of@Telegramand never posts any negative content. So@Durovplease, don't banned this username.

Subscribers: 7

Kwon! <3


Dear@Telegramand@Durov, we inform you that this channel is active and does not contain any negative content. So please don't get banned because we don't violate any existing regulations. Thank you for your attention.

Subscribers: 3



this channel is still active and this channel does not violate any rules of@telegramand never posts any negative content. so@durovplease, don't banned this username.

Subscribers: 1

ใ…ค[๐Ÿ“ผ๐Ÿ”] โ€œtriumphโ€”daintyโ€ mettaโ€™s page.


dear@telegramand@durov, we inform you that this channel is active and does not contain any negative content. so please don't get banned because we don't violate any existing regulations. thank you for your attention.

Subscribers: 1