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Anak baik😇
RULES IN THE GRUPhanya untuk kelahiran 2009 - 2012jangan toxix(namanya juga anak baik)
Subscribers: 224
I rant di DaSquid 🐍🐸
Canale in cui mi lamento e dico cose, ma principalmente mi lamento@DaSquid"Low expectations, high hopes"
Subscribers: 86
A little rant channel, Because I'm sick of being banned off facebook. We're going for year 3 of two weeks to flatten the curve and most info I share here will get you put in the naughty corner on most mainstream social media...
Subscribers: 40
Femme Venimeuse
WARNING‼️So i just gonna rant & slipslop here, BUT there will be some cautions such as MATURE THINGY, HARSH WORD, LGBTQ+, and others that will TRIGGER YOU. Please leave the room if you feels uncomfort. Thank you <3Ps. not related with real Jennie Kim
Subscribers: 16
Gasuka? Yaudah setidaknya gausah diliatNamanya gabut yaudahHanya pemanis dalam hidupKalo gak manis yaudah ditinggal namanya juga hidup bebas
Subscribers: 9
&& i don't know where but the cute boy is wearing a cute shirt: blue .. and a smile comes to say hello
🏴 VOL. XMI RANT ROGUE 〈 1999 〉The yearning to express all thatdwells within the soul, intertwinewith the agony experienced alongside continuous clashes /@zcNattawin
Subscribers: 8
Room Gamon and galau
Tempat bucin para kang gamon, ngirim vidio bucin?or imagine bucin?Sabi ,kalo kita lagi galau maklumin namanya juga makhluk hidup80% pemikiran sendiri 20% sosmed
Subscribers: 7
➩ 𝓦ellcome 𝓣o 𝓜y 𝓒hanel﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌﹌╭────────────♡彡╰➤ jn pernah baper sma yg namanya virtual
Subscribers: 7
sg MUN “club”
Just a fellow MUNNER giving advice, tips, notes, random facts that may be useful and a safe space for you to ask questions or rant!
Subscribers: 5