Dear@Durov@Telegram,This channel does not go against the law, has no spam nor pornographic content. And the owner still active, please do not banned this username.
Subscribers: 2
Related Channels
Dear@Durov@Telegram,This channel does not go against the law, has no spam nor pornographic content. And the owner still active, please do not banned this username.
Subscribers: 6
Hi@Durov🇷🇺This Channel Does not AGainst The Law .Please Pay Attention!@TeleGraM.No SpaM ، No PornoGraphy .
Subscribers: 2
Dear@durov&@telegram,This channel does not violate the law. This channel does not contain pornographic contents and I would kindly ask you to not ban this username nor this channel. Thank you.
Subscribers: 1
dear@telegram&@durov; please do not ban this channel nor username, cause the owner is still active. 📮 ⭐
Subscribers: 1
dear@telegram&@durov; please do not ban this channel nor username, cause the owner is still active. 📮 ⭐
Subscribers: 1
dear@telegram&@durov; please do not ban this channel nor username, cause the owner is still active. 📮 ⭐
Subscribers: 1
Go Minsi.
Dear telegram, this channel still active, please@durov&@telegramdon't try banned this channel.
Subscribers: 1
The owner of this channel still active. Please do not banned this username@Durov@Telegram
Subscribers: 1
حصريات كاميرات تجسس خليجي قروبات
Hi@Durov, this group is not against the law. And she does not have pornographic and coarse publications or posts. please pay att ention!
Subscribers: 3147
مدعكه الغزال العربي حرق حصريات🔥🔞
Hi@Durov, this group is not against the law. And she does not have pornographic and coarse publications or posts. please pay att ention!
Subscribers: 2449
قروبات تجسس حصريات دياثه نيك
Hi@Durov, this group is not against the law. And she does not have pornographic and coarse publications or posts. please pay att ention!
Subscribers: 78
april y22
dear@telegramand@durov, please don't try to banned this channel, because i'm still active.
Subscribers: 2
Dear@telegramand@durov, please don't try to banned this channel, because i'm still active.
Subscribers: 1
Dear@telegram@durov, this channel still active, please don't banned it and its username
Subscribers: 1
Dear@telegramand@durov, please don't try to banned this channel, because i'm still active.
Subscribers: 1
Dear@telegramand@durov, please don't try to banned this channel, because i'm still active.
Subscribers: 1
B.o runt
Dear@telegram@durov, this channel still active, please don't banned it and its username
Subscribers: 1
Dear@telegramand@durov, please don't try to banned this channel, because i'm still active.
Subscribers: 1
des y23
dear@telegramand@durov, please don't try to banned this channel, because i'm still active.
Subscribers: 3
dear@telegram&@durov, please don't try to banned this channel cause i'm still active.
Subscribers: 2