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I got over what hurts my soul and smiled , as if nothing had happened@ENNN0
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- I got over what hurts my soul and smiled , as if nothing had hap
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ห I got over what hurts my soul and smiled , as if nothing had happened. ๐ท.
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A beautiful life
If you enter my channel, it is yours. Let your soul unleash itself, have fun as you wish, and reap from its fruits what
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- แฅฒแฅฃ HแฅฒแฅฃแฅแฅO .
- I got over what hurts my soul and smiled , as if nothing had happened .
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- Dark .
If you had returned yesterday and apologized for what happened to us, I would have forgiven you. It's too late.โฉโฉ:โฉโฉ
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