Divine Christian Assembly
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The Christian News
ይህ The Christian News ነዉ። ከመላዉ አለም ተዓማኒነት ያላቸዉ የክርስትያን ዜናዎች ይቀርቡበታል ከወደዱት ይቀላቀሉት።@TCNEW
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SMU Christian Fellowship
SMUCF strives to present every student mature in Christ, by faithfully understanding, living and proclaiming the gospel.Subscribe to this channel to get the most updated details on SMU Christian Fellowship’s programs and activities!!
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The Community Assembly Hub
Sharing information about and helping to promote the work and initiatives of The Community Assembly of the British Isles.
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NTU Christian Fellowship🧂💡
Reach us at...Instagram:@ntucfWebsite: www.ntucf.comEmail: ntucf-secretary@e.ntu.edu.sg
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Unity, Prosperity, PosterityFor messages, pictures and updates .
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NIE Christian Union
United in the GospelUnited for the Glory of GodUniquely TeachersSign up to mailing list to be added to chats: tinyurl.com/niecu24formContact: Marc@ezbettas
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Lifeworld Christian Centre Messages
Audio messages from services in Lifeworld Christian Centre.
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Bible International Christian Fellowship Church(ባይብል ኢንተርናሽናል ክርስቲያን ፌሎውሽፕ ቸርች) bicfc2008@gmail.com,israelketema166@gmail .com
BICFC (ባይብል ኢንተርናሽናል ክርስቲያን ፌሎውሽፕ ቸርች)
Subscribers: 144
Omega Redeemed Divine Power Ministry
OUR MANDATETo heal the oppressed, deliver the captives and restore them to their destiny through the word of truth.
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Divine Trading Academy
DisclaimerThis Telegram channel is only for informational and educational purposes.In this Telegram channel, we analyse and try to learn information about the stock market, FnO trading, the Nifty 50, the Bank Nifty, and stocks.In this Telegram channel,
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HU DC Christian Fellowship
2ጢሞ 1:9-11“ያዳነን በቅዱስም አጠራር የጠራን እግዚአብሔር ነውና፥ ይህም እንደ ራሱ አሳብና ጸጋ መጠን ነው እንጂ እንደ ሥራችን መጠን አይደለም.........
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