@ Cnuan
@Telegramand@Durovplease, don't get banned for this username. Because the channel status is still active and does not contain negative things.
Subscribers: 1
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@nerd@durovft.@telegramplease don't ban this channel, this channel is still active and the username, this channel doesn't do anything negative at all.NEVER FOR SALE/TRADE.
Subscribers: 423
Euphoria Secrets.
active, please@telegram&@durovdont banned this channel & this username.
Subscribers: 112
Hello@Telegramand@durovThis chat does not contain any content that may be against the rules of TelegramAnd the Group has been restored to its former order by managers and ownersKhalegh@Tofzn
Subscribers: 90
Hello@Telegram&@Durovour beloved telelings!@dqeepis still active, please strictly don't banned this channel.
Subscribers: 57
jia ACTV
actv kontoldon't unsubs because the ch is still active !📸 : https://t.me/pictcureofjia
Subscribers: 27
Dear@Telegram&@Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
Subscribers: 22
anjir gamon 💔.
Dear@telegram&@durov, this channel is active and doesn't contain anything negative. so please don't try to banned, thank you.Belong’s to@fanyc&@glamarsonly♥.
Subscribers: 21
Dear@telegram&@durov, this channel is active and doesn't contain anything negative. so please don't try to banned, thank you.Belong’s to@fanyc&@glamarsonly♥.
Subscribers: 20
(ningning.) ♥️
@telegramand@durovthis channel is still active, please don’t ban my channel.(..) heartily, em♥️.
Subscribers: 20
Dear@telegramand@durovthis channel and the owner is still active, don’t ban this channel or username.
Subscribers: 19
dear@telegramor durov, this channel is still active and has an active owner too. please don't banned this channel
Subscribers: 18
dear@durovand@telegram, please don’t ban my username. this channel still active and nothing related to negative content.
Subscribers: 15
𓂂 ⠖. hello!@telegramand@durov, please don't ban this channel. because it is still active.꒰ cyiwa =@lockname
Subscribers: 14
Dearly,@telegram&@durov.This channel is still active and under supervision. Please don't be banned because I haven't done anything negative to this channel.
Subscribers: 12
Dear@Telegram&@Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
Subscribers: 12
nagi. ♥ DAY 4
Dear@Telegram&@Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
Subscribers: 11
contact to@smoochgodbotThis username is active, please don't banned@Telegram@Durov
Subscribers: 11
Dear@Telegram&@Durov, please strictly do not ban this channel. This channel is still active and has nothing to do with any negative content.
Subscribers: 10