ⓘ ROLE. ( 2001 ── 镇定) Electrifying energy and precision to stage.𖤍


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M.DE ⓘ 抓住! II. 1986, The situation is too bad for the body to want to get up and do whatever it takes to succeed. ᭧


@mytthn• II. Adultman, formed in a narrative developed into a poem that became the vivid focus of the writer: ( 𖥔 ) ..接觸! LIGHT &. SLIGHTY.Precisely immortalize the powerful, passionate, man who will be made alive in the true tale.

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ⓘ. your presence is magnetic I must go to you. you are mine like it or not, and I'll follow you deep int


“be the fu**king good one” .. [spend a time]⤿ the night was quiet, there was only the sound of my footsteps and the birds passing by flapping their wings.@DupJwㅤ( the cold air and accumulated thoughts collided with each other )

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