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gimana ya?
idk, idk. what made me fall too deeply for u. it's all about u. I hope u can get someone which is better for u. I still waiting for u and love u forever. hmm u hurts me to, but I don't like the way you treat me. u apologies are not enough to heal this.
Subscribers: 1
𝖲ȃ̈𝖣 𖧊 سَـاެدِ
- I see a lot of people, but I'm still alone.- إنني أرى كثيراً من الناس، ولكنني لا زلتُ وحيداً 🖤.
Subscribers: 42
if u need someone buat cerita, dateng ke gua. gua bakal sebisa mungkin ngesemangatin, ngenasehatin, dll nya buat lo, stay alive 🖤.
Subscribers: 2
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Subscribers: 3
If ur like me , then u will probably feel good with the things Im gonna post here :) 🖤❄موزیک ، تکست ، حرفاتون یا عکس هایی که دوست دارید رو خوشحال میشم برام ناشناس کنید باهم شِیرشون کنیم :
Subscribers: 11