i, the liberation of women from the ancestral tapestry < 📷 — . . . 🪶 >


— telling about a woman who started being left out of the ancestral tapestry, and ended up being freed by a promise. if she broke a promise, then the woman [@deempet] would be left back like the beginning, swayed back on the ancestral tapestry.

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— telling about a woman who started being left out of the ancestral tapestry, and ended up being freed by a promise. if she broke a promise, then the woman [@hansoheev] would be left back like the beginning, swayed back on the ancestral tapestry.

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.ⓘ 𝗘𝗚𝗢𝗜𝗦𝗧𝗜𝗖'𝗦 ━╋ " 男性 " : sounds from his motorcycle, and the mood of the occasion is extremely noisy. Terrified


ㅤㅤㅤㅤ黙示' ──────@kOkBAUㅤㅤ&. in his eyes, the  abyss  gazes back,ㅤㅤa riddle of existence, on a shadowedㅤㅤtrack. with    every    word,    a deeperㅤㅤmystery unfolds,     in    the    realm ofㅤㅤshadows, his story's told.“Darkened Wood Drive.”

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