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now you're just story i tell people when they talk about heart .This is the world of Mikiharfi hadisi:
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¢B E G' U B O R I M¢
Assαlom Alαykum Hush Kelιbsιz Kαnαlιmιzgα...🥰B E G' U B O R I M💜🖇 kanalimizda...🕊🎇 Stαtuslαr📃 Afαrzmlαr🎵 Premyerαlαr🎬 Vιdιolαr🌄 Rasmlar🥰#Inshaalloh 100kKanal ochilgan sana :23.05.2023🫠
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U&I, U&I
Joy echoed throughout the concert, in the darkness and in form of prison bars without usual sanctions or restrictions. Despite, people continued to shout loudly as the roaring sounds continued unceasingly.
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B A S S M U S I K💲💲
➧Нᴇᴨᴏʙᴛᴏᴩиʍый ᴋᴏнᴛᴇнᴛ➧Мᴇдᴧᴇннᴏ нᴏ уʙᴇᴩᴇннᴏ➧Тᴏᴨᴏʙыᴇ ᴋᴀᴩᴛинᴋи➧Бᴏʍбᴏʙыᴇ ᴛᴩᴇᴋи➧Оᴛ дуɯи, дуɯᴇʙнᴏ, ʙ дуɯу➧Цᴇᴧь: "50 к"Реклама•нет плохой музыки,есть плохой вкус— Я здесь, чтобы показать вам, что такое стиль.🌪
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B m please 🤍
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