Fr.Joseph John
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بن نويقله | BIN NWAIQLA
قناة جديدة في التلجرام لتحميل مقاطع صفحتي الإنستقرام (n0_0h) ،A new channel in Telegram to download videos of my Instagram page (n0_0h),
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F-Cube (F3) stands for Freelance to Financial Freedom withh the Vision to be the No.1 freelance academy in Africa.We envision a freelance ecosystem where 10’s of 1000’s of digital entrepreneurs -in Africa and beyond -can Learn and Earn, [100% online].
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قسم اللغة الإنجليزية
A public channel that includes all students and the teaching staff in College of Education ـ Department of English University of Al Maarifقناة عامة تضم جميع الطلبة و أعضاء هيئة التدريس في جامعة المعارف / كلية التربية ـ قسم اللغة الإنجليزية
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OFFICIAL TELEGRAM CHANNEL OF IRC TVIn The Name of Allah Most Gracious Most MercifulIslamic Research Centre (IRC) is a Registered Non-profit organization, establised in 2001 & Adv. Faiz Syed is its founder president.
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Apsara Residence Hotel
A beautiful boutique hotel in the centre of Siem Reap just a few minutes walk to Pub Street and Old Market.
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BNF Medicine
✅Summary Of Important Topics in Medicine 🩺 For Medical Students & Junior Doctors✅Authored By Dr.Baqer Naji✅Joining Linkلا تتشتت في محتوى القناة فالرسائل المثبتة دليلك للوصول الى كل حاجة
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Go in the direction of your dreams and live the life you imaginedإذهب في إتجاه أحلامك وعش الحياة التي تخيلتها
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SLMCC Updates / Info channel
Welcome to the official telegram channel of the Sri Lankan Muslim Cultural Centre (SLMCC), based in Harrow, UK.
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إقُتٌبًآسِآتٌ فُتٌآهّ خِرجّتٌ مًنِ روٌآيَهّ
“ Try to find happiness in every moment of your life.”" حاول أن تجد السعادة في كل لحظة، من حياتك 🍃💛.
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Africa Folktales by julius
In this channels you we be getting fast updates of our releases video on YouTubeOffering you "Africa stories and folkt
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Scribes Hub is an interview centre for writers across the globe. It officially began it's interview sessions on first of January, 2023The group was created to encourage newbies and aspiring writers as well as appreciate experts in the field of writing.
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Apostoilc church of Ethiopia in South Africa Johannesburg
Welcome to apostoilc church of Ethiopia in South Africa Johannesburg 🇿🇦🇪🇹✅🎤💻📱📺🖥️📔📂
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Fabricators مصنعون
This channel is made to show most of fabricators in UAEهذه استحدثت لتضم اكبر عدد من المصنعيين في الامارات
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أسئله ° ثالث متوسط °
-في لحظة قريبة لا تتوقعها ستجد نفسك وسط حلمك الذي طالما أردته وتمنيته..فلا تفقد الأمل ابدًا-In a moment that you do not expect,you will find yourself in the middle of your dream,which you have always wanted and wished for. Never lose hope.
Subscribers: 17
إرشيف جرائم عصابات نظام الأسد - Archive of crimes of the Assad regime gangs
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Subscribers: 9
.َ ‹EѵIŊ .َ ‹
- " في سماءٍ مليئةٍ بالنجوم رأيتكِ "“ In a sky full of stars I think I saw you ”
Subscribers: 4
Nice information🎀✨
هنا في عالمي يوجد الكثير من النصائح الجميله 🐻✨Here in my world there is a lot of 🐻✨beautiful advice
Subscribers: 1