स्वदेशी बुंदेली
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अग्रवालजी 💯
"🎯 [AGRAWALJI] – Instant updates on lottery results.📢 For state-authorized lotteries only.⚠️ We do not promote or sell lottery tickets. Content is for informational purposes and complies with Indian laws.🔞 Strictly 18+."
Subscribers: 11,983
LibYa HuB .🫦
- Hello, the Telegram team. My channel is not a porn channel. It is a channel of beauty, culture and matters related to the beauty of women. I hope that they are not banned. Thank you very much.|✉️- For inquiries on teleGram ,@Osama_Alzwiy
Subscribers: 7,238
Cyber Youth Cambodia (Channel)
Cyber Youth Cambodia is a platform to promote Digital Knowledge and Cybersecurity among the Youth in Cambodia. We need to build more digital and cybersecurity talents to develop and defense the digital infrastructure in Cambodia! January 2020
Subscribers: 1,624
ELBBL Program is a top-notch English Language Based Law programme within RULE. The programme is tripartite, comprising coursework, legal writing and research, and practical experience.
Subscribers: 433
Grade 7 Lesson Planning
This group is for sharing personal efforts in lesson planning, project ideas and creative efforts to make teacher’s lives easier .. sharing and asking for confidential materials and exams will get you out of the channel. Kindly respect the aim of the chan
Subscribers: 260
🕯️English Language Forum🕯️
English is an impressively complex and colourful language. Learn to use it correctly and help others to learn too.
Subscribers: 239
SUBSCRIBER THUNAIOWN CREAT FULL 4k UHD 💥 SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE🙏GANA 💞 MELODY &🥰ALBUM SONG AVAILABLE💫This is Our Original MSK EDITZ 🪄 CHENAL ✅💯✨English ✨ | தமிழ் ❤️ | 🤎And More Language ...2K 🎥+30FPS Smooth Video⚡[ Powered By AI ]
Subscribers: 232
SMU Worship Night
SMU Worship Night is a safe space where Christians can seek God through a culture of worship and prayer. We gather as one body, coming together from any church, denomination and organisation.
Subscribers: 225
MC4EI - Michigan Citizens for Election Integrity
Our Mission is to develop an organization that will work to promote fair, honest and open elections for all Citizens of Michigan. Come join us with this mission! https://mc4ei.com/
Subscribers: 208
This telegram Channel is for those people where betting is legal. We dont promote betting,we just predict and we predict for those people where betting is legal.https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFRNBzw0vQkhqofmwA
Subscribers: 179
Concept with K.S Sir
My aim of creating this channel is to provide affordable and quality study to all the students. (G.S + Science) 🙏
Subscribers: 130
Ambo University Art Club
This Channel Are Help Ambo University Students To Explain, Develop And Promote Their Culture, Language,Norm And Value.
Subscribers: 123
DTL (Dire Tutor and Language)
DTL is a Private Tutor and Language ( English & Arabic ). door to door tutor. Get: Ethio_Text_Books PDF, Arbic_Islamic_books , & Any Other English Books
Subscribers: 114
$Pnuts Portal
Squinu is a unique meme token created to honor and remember Peanut, a beloved squirrel who sadly passed away on November 2, 2024. Peanut was more than just a mascot; he was a symbol of joy and connection for many fans. With Squinu, we aim to celebrate Pea
Subscribers: 107
National Human Rights And R.T.I Awareness Organisation,India
Our main aim is to help the poor and helpless people.
Subscribers: 105
You can invest in IPO and your money will return as compounding growth from IPO.DISCLAIMER!This channel DOES NOT promote or encourage Any illegal activities, all contents provided by this channel is meant for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE only. https://t.me/IPO
Subscribers: 102
owner -@tekhnicalDisclaimer - This channel DOES NOT promote or encourage any illegal activities, all information and contents provided by this channel is meant for educational purposes - tek.
Subscribers: 88
From the Scholars 🕌
Sole Aim is to Forward the Teachings and Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet S.A.W through the Voices of our Ulama
Subscribers: 84
New Generations of Human Rights Defenders
The New Generation of Human Rights Defenders (NGHRD) is a subsidiary of CARD working to promote human rights.Let's stand together for respect for human rights.I know my rights and I use them properly!
Subscribers: 81
Discount deals live
Discount dealslive provides the best of pers from all over the shopping sites. Our aim is to save your money and Time .
Subscribers: 77