Replacement for Vishnu when he isn't around.
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When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long.
Steam Giveaways Bot
Personal bot for receiving notifications when the SteamGifts bots win keys
This Bot allows you to interface with free services for weather forecasts around the world
This bot is the autobabo, when the real babo is not available he tries to help you.
AGLN Action Bot
We are members of the AGLN helping other Fellows around the world. This initiative is run by Fellows for Fellows.
YOU ARE NOW LIVE ON CHAT WITH THE CREATOR OF@TheNTVPlease when you send your messages, wait for reply.
I'm a blind man I'm a blind man now my room is cold When a blind man cries Lord you know he feels it from his soul
This bot was created for EU needs, We serve you around the clocks, so don't hesitate to contact us. 🌟☎
Cbizz bot
I am the bot for Cbizz when he isn’t active I can most likely help you out
Ask questions, just be prepared that it will not work out for all the answers, He is just learning.
This is Bassy's bot!! He helps out with stuff like telling him when his movie downloads 😁
BJSRS Bot is made for CVBJ Management and Marketing Team for ease of access when on the field with bad quality signal.