Url Shorter
I'm Url Shorter Bot 💪 I can Short your Long URL in Second 🚀Send the Long URL and get a Short URL
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Get a short link instead of your defective long!Получи короткую ссылку вместо своей ущербной длинной!
Just for u
Welcome to your second home ❗you can send anything here but, minimal tau batasan oke?
LinkShortner g02.ir
This bot can short your long link !Author: https://Farhad.in@FarhadHP
I and welcome to my first bot, I appreciate to send me your comments for how can I get beeter this bot.
Chat By @qkasm
In order to send your query type @ahksmbot (your query), it can take several second or even minutes to send you answer.
✨ You can send your feedback here and get rewarded 🤗✨您可以在此处发送反馈并获得奖励🤗 •Dev: @i_Baroon | Channel: @BX_Cheat
حساب الأبراج و تحليل العمر .
Just send me your date of birth and I can calculate your age per second immediately🤖.
URL Shortener
URL Shortener Bot!Send me a URL and I'll make a short link for you!