Telegram stands for freedom and privacy and has many easy to use features.
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Top Bots in This Category
Crypto Bot
Use @CryptoBot to buy, sell, store, @send and pay with cryptocurrency right in Telegram.
Monthly Active Users: 2,158,754
Crypto Bot
Use @CryptoBot to buy, sell, store, @send and pay with cryptocurrency right in Telegram.
Monthly Active Users: 2,140,737
The best and the biggest community management service for Telegram groups. Moderation, analytics, triggers, etc.
Monthly Active Users: 322,705
I'm a demo bot for the Telegram Gaming Platform. I can get you a few fun sample games to play.
Monthly Active Users: 239,910
Calsi Bot 🔱 @CalsiBotDev
A general-purpose bot for your groups, from /roll and /hug, to /fish and /kys.Join @CalsiBotDev to learn more.
Monthly Active Users: 71,915
Gmail Bot
This bot is an email client that works right inside Telegram. Connect your Gmail account to receive your emails as instant messages on Telegram, compose new emails and replies right from the chat, as well as delete or mark emails as spam.
Monthly Active Users: 62,668
Appss is your go-to global catalog for discovering Mini Apps, Bots, and Communities all residing within Telegram.
Monthly Active Users: 41,941
Add this bot to your group to check shared files and links for malware, or send them to the bot in a private message.
Monthly Active Users: 34,331
📋For Suan eSim, Suan VPN and other features type /menuQuestions / job inquiries: @suanbot_supportInvite friends: /ref
Monthly Active Users: 19,453
The ultimate bot for group management and music. For support, reach out to @ShraddhaNews.
Monthly Active Users: 19,201
Aéza ❯ Telegram Bot
Простое управление и заказ услуг через Telegram—————Easy management and ordering services via Telegram
Monthly Active Users: 18,083
Free PC Games™ Bot
🖥🎮 Search for PC games to download for free and Request new games to upload.
Monthly Active Users: 11,244
Hi, i'm GiveawayBot and i'm here to create and manage giveaway on Telegram.
Bot created for Tanzi. It can encode/decode Base64 and it has some secret features.
HMC Archive Contents
EXCLUSIVE bot for HMC's admins to use only in HMC Archive.
F4LP Bot
Looking for people who are SERIOUS to lose weight and shape up through the healthy way!
Tech Support
use me to contact the admins of for feedback, business, or comments.
Korea Trademark Organization
AI-powered Telegram bot assisting for searching and filing at KIPO
Awesome bot for channels & advertising list owners helps you create rich posts, broadcasting to many channels, and more.