C++ Bot!
Compile and run your C/C++/C++11 code. Powered by AmirMohammad Dehghan
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Quiz Bot
Create a quiz with several multiple choice questions and test your friends.
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Media Downloader Bot 🔰
🔹| تنزيل الوسائط والستوريات من جميع مواقع التواصل ومميزات أخرى …Powered By Mohammed Al-Yasiri 🇮🇶English supported 🇺🇸
Monthly Active Users: 425,684
Calsi Bot 🔱 @CalsiBotDev
A general-purpose bot for your groups, from /roll and /hug, to /fish and /kys.Join @CalsiBotDev to learn more.
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Downloader Bot ⬇️
🔹| تنزيل الوسائط والستوريات من جميع مواقع التواصل ومميزات أخرى …Powered By Mohammed Al-Yasiri 🇮🇶English supported 🇺🇸
Monthly Active Users: 39,569
Ape Bot (BETA)
Sniper by @Safeguard | Currently beta and 0% FeesAnnouncements: @ApeBotNewsHelp: @ApeBotHub
Monthly Active Users: 14,405
Earn ROIC tokens by tapping and exploring the world of crypto!
Monthly Active Users: 12,404
EAES 🇪🇹 Result bot
EAES: Educational Assessment and Examination Service Official Bot.Use this bot to check your Result.
Monthly Active Users: 11,439
This bot you to earn Bitcoin Cash by visiting web sites or Promote your projects and sites by creating new tasks
Monthly Active Users: 10,775
Hello. This bot is owned by Nodira Uskenbaeva and is aimed to answer your questions.
ONOI Software bot
Bot developed by ONOI Software. Mainly used for channels @onoisoftware and @erkebek :)
Link bot
Get linked with bots dat pay you crypto like bitcoin and litecoin just by completing simple tasks
Shankhasubhra's bot
I am a bot created by Shankhasubhra Roy. I can encode , compress , a video and many more.
Sticker Bot
💚 The bot can memorize your stickers and give them to you via inline request
RC bot
Remote control bot. Download our program and use your computer using commands.Contact us rc.tgbot@gmail.com