𓏺 𝗌𝖲𝗌


Love is life, and you are the life I love.‏الحُب حياة ، وأنت الحياة اللي أنا أحبها.مالك :@SSSSS1o

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حب⁩ اللي يخليك تحب الحياة معاه🤍🤍.Love what makes you love life with him.

Subscribers: 23

𓏺 𝖬𝖸 𝖡𝗂𝗋𝗁𝗍𝖽𝖺𝖸 .


My birthday is the most beautiful day because I was born with it, I love myself very much and every year and I am fine and I am for myself a support and I stay strong all my life I love my soul very much

Subscribers: 7

غـ٘ࢪآضـيٚيہ ↻ْ. ََ⌯ ََِِNََِِ𝗢ََِِMََِِ𝐈ََِِ𝗦ََِِAَِِ ⁦⤹


BY MALAK :@HH_600BOTS :@HH_500_botBOTS :za5refoh@HH_800_bot•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••My Channels :@HH_700|_ :@zz_699•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••You create in me the love of life, and you are the life that I love😭💞

Subscribers: 5

أنـَا و جميلتيَ .


- I love life as long as you are by my side .Astral:@XiXi9xHer moon:@IlIIIIlIIlll

Subscribers: 4

Gossamer of Youth.


My love for you surpasses any boundaries and limitation. You are the one who holds my heart, the person I rely on, and I would give my life for you in a heartbeat.

Subscribers: 3



stupid world and great world are in my hand in my life. this is where it goes according to fate. fuck life but i love my life

Subscribers: 1