أكس تـَي


Some words are meant to be said once,For one person, then it has no meaning after that

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Biblical Assurance Facts


The purpose of creating this group is that we often read the Bible and move on after reading and we don't understand the meaning or interpret it. In this group, Hidden Bible Prophecies and Bible Codes we will learn what God has hidden in the Bible.

Subscribers: 84

˛ Ꭵِƚ'᥉ mِᥱ .


A person has to accept the fact that some people are not fit in his life no matter how much he wants them. ‹@XMSSS|⥀.

Subscribers: 12

Lisztomania: Freedom of Soul.


One needs something to believe in, something for which one can have whole-hearted enthusiasm. One needs to feel that ones life has meaning, that one is needed in this world.Connect to:@D4224@Gilamenulis

Subscribers: 3

morning hysteria.


the reality of sensing a person that weaves swirls around my head after a night of open-ended conversations but how much can one feed off of the images of a life in constant motion? it ate fruit that men and women bore, like dewfall against the day.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Subscribers: 1