Au revoir.

CW/TW NSFW, LGBT, FOOD, HARSH WORDS, SATANIC, DISGUSTING, BLOOD, RL THINGY. If you feel uncomfortable, please leave my channel and I'll do the same. Thanksalot. Archive@kuaxnlin

Subscribers: 7

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CW & TW // HARSH WORD, FACE REVEAL, FOOD, DRINK, LGBT, HOROR, SAMBAT@jujupaybot@boardarchivers

Subscribers: 23

Cilok Bandung

CW / HARSHWORD.This channel sometimes use harsh words/lgbt/nsf(w), if you feel uncomfortable unsubs this channel and delete me from your channel broh. And if you don't find my username please contact this bot :

Subscribers: 14

Prevaricate Man; Januardio.

This channel will be filled with random content and sometimes will contain with broken eng and bahasa, typo's, harshwords, rl thingy, and LGBTQ+, CW or TW for that. If u are uncomfortable with my content on this channel, please don't stalk my channel.

Subscribers: 5

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─────────────────────────ْ𝒯his channel contains harsh word, LGBTQ+, etc without using TW or CW. so if you are uncomfortable with that, feel free to unsubscribe my channel.My bracket : #MMA1997BBot :@Criminallboys_bot────────────────────────

Subscribers: 3


: rarely use CW TW for harshword, NSFW thingy, mentioning suicidal, mental health. So if you feel uncomfortable feel free to unsubs.@sheonho@braingrd

Subscribers: 3