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American English 🇺🇸
This channel focuses on essential English skills for academic success, including:- Reading- Writing- Speaking- Grammar- Pronunciation- Language Fundamentals- Phonetics- ListeningJoin us to boost your proficiency!For inquiries contact:@QCYCC
Subscribers: 3,204
✔English mastery
💌Learn English language from the beginning to the end🏆,,المدربة/أ.نـوره القـحطاني🌻 🌟مدربة معتمدة دوليا و محليا لتعليم اللغة الإنجليزية🌍للتواصل:https://telegram.me/Nourahma
Subscribers: 1,247
English as a Foreign Language
✔️Vocabulary & grammarADMIN@ingoodmoodI offer one-to-one English lessons online via Zoom. If you're interested, please get in touch https://t.me/+380501883073
Subscribers: 716
📣 SPM English
⚠️ This is an announcement only channel based on the English SPM paper.💁 Feel free to comment & join the discussion!👉 Mainly focused on Forms 4-5.
Subscribers: 669
English Courses
This channel focuses on essential English skills for academic success, including:- Reading- Writing- Speaking- Grammar- Pronunciation- Language Fundamentals- Phonetics- ListeningJoin us to boost your proficiency!For inquiries contact:@QCYCC
Subscribers: 661
Quickly elevate your English Skills to reachyour full potential.للتواصل او الاستفسار@englishyalla_bot
Subscribers: 499
Boost Your English With Faraidoon Farzam
اینجا انگلسی را بشکل موثر بیاموزید !!Welcome!You are going to learn here what you have been looking for, about English,for so long.پیشنهادات شما 👇@faraidoonfarzam
Subscribers: 433
English Subject Verb Agreement Rules
This page targets to provide you different English Subject Verb Agreemet Rules with simple examples and explainations.
Subscribers: 397
English in a minute
This channel helps you to improve your ability to understand and use English in real life situation. Welcome⚘⚘⚘
Subscribers: 384
English for Iraq 2nd Intermediate
A channel to share everything concerns English for 2nd intermediate
Subscribers: 365
Descriptive English for Competitive Exams
By SRCC - IIMB AlumnusStill not preparing for an important part of competitive exams?English Descriptive exam takes a fraction of time compared to other papers and delivers great marks and a competitive edge.
Subscribers: 361
📣 PT3 English
⚠️ This is an announcement only channel based on the English PT3 paper.💁 Feel free to comment & join the discussion!👉 Mainly focused on Forms 1-3.
Subscribers: 295
🕯️English Language Forum🕯️
English is an impressively complex and colourful language. Learn to use it correctly and help others to learn too.
Subscribers: 239
English literature audio books translate to Tamil
This to get all audio books related to English literature audio materials are translate to Tamil
Subscribers: 198
Learn English with Ebrahimi ❣️✍️
For improving your English skills join to our channel!
Subscribers: 197
This channel is meant to focus on IMPORTANT AREAS which lead to good grades in English Language.
Subscribers: 184
Basic English speaking practice
My name is Tare Pradeep Kumar .I made this group to help the student community to overcome fear towards English language, Communication skills and Sales and Marketing Techniques.English speaking practice everyday at 8:00 pm to 09:00 on this group.
Subscribers: 156
🦋KDrama offical { English subtitles } 🦋
All your kdrama/series needs in one place!All are ENGLISH SUBBED and are in COMPLETE EPISODES❗️also check@Eng15lish@snowdropenglishsubtitles@koreandramacomplexCredits to the owners 💕KOREAN MOVIES CHANNEL 2020 (ALL ENGLISH SUBBED)
Subscribers: 124