RipMyUser Therapy

The truth should always be bought we came into this game for a reason no point in life is a game that you can manipulate

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once you look at your life from the point of faith , where everything happens for a reason , where you donโ€™t get what youโ€™ve prayed for because you deserve better , where you pray istikhara and Allah removes all the ones with bad intentions towards you an

Subscribers: 56


Always expect the worst and remember that life is just a game, that you control it..

Subscribers: 54

Vaulters moronic; ridiculously bozo.

Drunk-dazed of everything that came into my life, fortunately despite my work. Frankincense them, ridiculous behavioral-issues. They fight like a bozo.

Subscribers: 1

<junk scattered..โœฟ

truth! cheerful and really tells a lot but doesn't know where to put the complaints of this hard life and who will listen to this.that's all the happy spills of the girl's life.anything in this should not be taken lightly and just stay out of reach.

Subscribers: 1