⚠️CW//HARSWORD⚠️if u're minor feel free to unsub this channel & please remove my account from ur channelarchive :@lvingjso@LUCASSWON9#RPRLAREA
Subscribers: 44
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FYI. This channel my self, and nsfw. If you don't like my channel, please skip it without commenting. n for my moots, don't unsub the channel, before you remove my acc on ur channel.contacts :@grvtsbotarchive :
Subscribers: 373
⚠️ CW // HARSWORDSIf you don't like the content of this channel, please leave this channel. Don't forget to remove@Clkep. Thank you.Contact :@GioroddiozBotArchive :@s4cksSecreto :
Subscribers: 95
es teh anget
CW // HARSWORD, LGBT, CAPSLOCK, NSFW ⚠️if you are homophobic, or uncomfortable with this ch please unsub, don't forget to remove@aegisellesmfrom your ch. archive here@swobeyyii
Subscribers: 50
If you don't like my channel, please skip it without commenting. n for my moots, don't unsub the channel, before you remove my acc on ur channel.contacts :@V0N7X/@VONX08
Subscribers: 47
move ch
ㅤ ㅤ ⚠️ CW/TW/HARS WORD/LGBTQ/NSFW ⚠️NFW. if you are uncomfortable with my channel please leave and don't forget to remove me from your channel, here sometimes i use toxic language and also talk about lgbt.archive :@juestrash
Subscribers: 26
جيرفو :: 45
FYI. This channel my face claim, and nsfw. If you don't like my channel, please skip it without commenting. n for my moots, don't unsub the channel, before you remove my acc on ur channel.contacts :@jervonexxbot
Subscribers: 19
Matt. ーActv
☠️ This channel will contain a lot of 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗦𝗛𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗, 𝗟𝗚𝗕𝗧𝗤+, 𝗡𝗦𝗙𝗪. I'll not put CW/TW in my post So, if you feel uncomfortable with my channel. please leave this channel and don't forget to remove me from ur channel.sec :@ridemydick_HAHA
Subscribers: 17
𝗖𝗪 // 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗦𝗛𝗪𝗢𝗥𝗗 ⚠️if you're minor, anti harshwords, you can unsubs this channel and remove me.
Subscribers: 16
𝗦𝗘𝗫𝗨𝗘𝗟𝗟𝗘𝗠𝗘𝗡𝗧 :: شخص مدمن
FYI. This channel my self, and nsfw. If you don't like my channel, please skip it without commenting. n for my moots, don't unsub the channel, before you remove my acc on ur channel.Contacts :@JinhyeongjungZArchived :
Subscribers: 15
نوم طويل ;deeply
μόνο θέλω أصبح Your Spider-mine, いつ?𝐃𝐍𝐈. DNI if ur homophobic, racist, #rprlarea, toxicphobic, person who likes to plagiarism or grammar police. I rarely put any CW // TW, if u're feel uncomfortable with my channel.
Subscribers: 5
Disclaimer ⚠️Minor kindly DNI.Broken English.This channel contains about Shitpost, Harswords without TW/CW.
Subscribers: 4
CW TW // LGBTQ, Harsword, Obsession, Hate speech, Talking about each other, Gossip, Fact and False, Sex, 18+/21+.Minor can stay away if you afraid of being traumatized by the words here. I don't accept stalkers, troublemakers, etc.
Subscribers: 3
$imp f𝗼r @shin yuna
Grammar Police DNI ⚠️#CW used Harshword, bad grammarly annoying spam. If you are not comfortable with my channel, free unsubscribe my channel and remove@sowonbfefrom ur ch too.
Subscribers: 3
this channel contains HARSH WORD and a BROKEN ENGLISH, ( i will not put any CW or TW to my contents ) if ure uncomfortable u can leave this channel and make sure to remove me from ur channel too .
Subscribers: 2
sometimes i forgot to drop CW // HARSWORD. so i put in my desc. ⚠️CW // HARSWORD // LGBTQ+⚠️contact me@mcujajanbotif u want some help or random chatting's.handle by@Zendayfa.
Subscribers: 2
Ning's Fanpage.
This channel contains about harsword without CW//TW, capslock, support LGBTQ+, and nsfw content. and if you're homophobic and sensitive harsword do not interact. Just leave and remove @. from your channel.
Subscribers: 1