𖢺 Log. hale [ II. ] ──the gasper… stuck in my rim “E, 20:14” ⍀


PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

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PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 114

𖢺 Log. hale [ II. ] ──the gasper… stuck in my rim “E, 20:14” ⍀


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (@arzexb) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 101



• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence  : ⓘ

Subscribers: 60

𖢺 Log. hale [ II. ] ──the gasper… stuck in my rim “E, 20:14” ⍀


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 57

writter ── rosy's ; mesmerizing lassie, personal-ink [ courtesy ]


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) fro

Subscribers: 42

𖢺 Log. hale [ II. ] ──the gasper… stuck in my rim “E, 20:14” ⍀


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the am

Subscribers: 40

𖢺 Log. hale [ II. ] ──the gasper… stuck in my rim “E, 20:14” ⍀


ㅤ━PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ X

Subscribers: 39

Free unsubs.


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 29

Tempat bacot ngab


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 26

𖢺 Log. hale [ II. ] ──the gasper… stuck in my rim “E, 20:14” ⍀


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 26



• PAGE: V. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 18

𖢺 Log. hale [ II. ] ──the gasper… stuck in my rim “E, 20:14” ⍀


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 9



• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence

Subscribers: 6

―(悲哀): The Gost Of You.


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 6

[...] Silent: existence. 2007's Love (&.) “remnants of memories”


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence

Subscribers: 4

FUERZA: "Buscador de emociones audaces". de, 90S ⍖.. PRIV–MANFUL (No.: 95/III)


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence : ⓘ

Subscribers: 4

releasing pent-up emotions


ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤfilliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬 of smoke” into the ambient air, as transient respite: from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ

Subscribers: 4

𖢺 Log. hale [ II. ] ──the gasper… stuck in my rim “E, 20:14” ⍀


• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a (..) slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existenc

Subscribers: 3



• PAGE: 1. with filliped of tobacco enjoying its juncture, a slender gleam “stuck between my lips, exhaling tendrils 🂬. of smoke” into the ambient air, as a transient respite (&.) from the prosaic regimen of pseudo existence  : ⓘ

Subscribers: 3